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Vampire Hunter School Thinger

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Chris Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:04 am

(Oh. xD

Maybe he can be a puppet, and thas all? So Rem can break the tie between puppet and master, and he joins her in hunting for demons? Specifically for revenge?

And if we do that, we can call him Malkin:

2. a scarecrow, ragged puppet, or grotesque effigy.


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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Kate Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:32 am

(I like that idea. >3

Awesome name. C:

Malkin Gray.. ^^ I like it.

Are you going to make Remy on Subeta?)

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Chris Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:40 am


Mmhm. I was gonna use it a while ago for a character of my own, but changed my mind. xD

Gray Malkin. xD - Cable's ship in X-men, and also, Malkin means cat. ^_^;

Um. I dunno. Why?

Remedios Girl Spanish That which cures

Well that name is damn convenient and correct. o_o)

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Kate Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:26 am


xD Well, I'm glad you did~ He'll probably go by something else once he's freed. O:

Rofl. xD That's funneh. And awhs. He's a kitty. :3

Because I was going to make Mal eventually. xD

Lol! True that.)

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Chris Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:28 am

(Oh, I seez.

Yes. He's a kitty. ^_^

Ah, well, I probably will.


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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Kate Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:51 am


Hahaha. x)

: D Yay~

Who you wanna post? O: We can engage the plot now, if you want?)

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Chris Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:53 am

(Um sure. Why not.

What part should we do now, though?)

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Kate Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:00 am

(Errr, well, Kai's likely got hell, sooo.. Remy can show up at Dracula's? Idk..

Who's going to be the real bad guy, btw? XD)

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Chris Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:03 am

(Mmk. I can say Wolfe called her there, actually. Since he's an exorcist and it's possible they crossed paths since they run in the same circles-ish. ^^ I like how this is all falling together.

Do you mean who, as in me or you, or what character?)

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Kate Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:12 am

(Sounds good. ^^ Yeah, it's really neat. ;3

Both, I guess. xD)

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Chris Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:16 am

(Uhm. Dunno and dunno? xD

*Typing up post*)

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Kate Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:20 am

(XD Ah well.. it's not important.. now. ><


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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Chris Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:21 am

(We can always leave it for a lot later. ^_^)

'Large, ancient castle... Seems fitting for a vampire lord like Dracula. All this place is missing is a few beasts, then it'd be ---' Remy stared at the hulking werewolves that circled the courtyard, eying her as though she were a threat. 'Spoke to soon.' She paused at the front door, the blue of her eyes paling slightly. 'There are other demons here... And that same dark presense I've been sensing off and on for a while is here... Or rather, was here...' Her eyes returned to normal as they turned to the person knocking on the old wooden doors.

Madison slammed her fists on the doors, trying to get the attention of whomever was inside. "Oh, come on! It's cold! Let us in! I'm being eyed up like a pork chop out here!" She yelled at the door, which eventually creaked open on it's own. She stared, clearly starled by such a thing, though did her best to keep her composure.

Remy slowly stepped into the main hall, her eyes glancing along the walls, taking in the paintings, the details in the decor and such. She stopped in front of a particular painting, one of a woman in a gothic gown, sitting like the famous Mona Lisa. She glared at it for a moment before moving on.

"Is anyone here?" Madison yelled, scurrying after her companion, remaining close, for fear of what lurked behind closed doors.

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Kate Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:21 am

(True.. (:

Anyone in particular I should post? o: )

(I'm just gonna use Mattie. (: )

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Kate Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:08 am

His time with his father had been interupted, and for what reason? These.. women.. He moved silently, staring at the ground from under his dark hood. Worry and the lack of sleep had changed his face, making him look ragged. He hadn't shaved in a couple days either, so he looked scruffy; more like a werewolf than a mixed breed. Matthew stalked towards the grand entrance hall, wishing that someone else would've gotten off of their ass to answer whoever had come aknocking.

"... May I.. help you?" he asked, trying to sound nice as he emerged from the dimly lit space. Things hadn't been as lively since his father had become ill. He slowly pulled his hood down, bi colored eyes on Remy's feet. He slowly rose them to stare at her, head tilted in slight curiosity. They must've been somewhat important if they were already inside and no one had greeted them.

The hybrid stuck his hands in the pockets of his jacket, blinking as he read their smells. How... interesting.

(Lame. D: )

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Chris Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:29 am

"Hi! We're devil hunter!" Madison told Matthew, though soon rethought her words. "Well. Remy here is. I just do all the talking. She was called her by a man named... Ralph... No, wait. It was Wolfe. Weird name, but anyways." Madison waved her hand a little, "She doesn't talk much, but when she does, it's best to listen without question. Trust me." She assured.

Remy exhaled a little into her mask, wishing that people would call her 'Rem', which was how she wanted to be known.

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Kate Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:18 pm

"I see..." he said, raising a brow at Madison before shaking his head some. "Follow me then.." He ran a hand through his hair, stalking towards Wolfe's scent. Mattie wasn't sure why they were here, but he would be glad to hand them over to Wolfe and return to his business. He didn't enjoy being called away from his father.. he was so worried about him.. "What did he call you here for, anyways..?" he asked, eyes falling to stare at the ground again as he walked.

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Chris Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:49 pm

"You don't know? What kind of butler are you?" Madison asked, furrowing her brows slightly, she cringed some as Remy shot her a look. "To kill the demon that's making Dracula sick. Mister Hart couldn't do it because he's just a human, and it requires a demon..."
"If there was a demon here, we would know," Sage pointed out, having sensed a strange presence in the castle, she emerged from her room, with her arms crossed over her chest.
Wolfe too, soon emerged "Oh no, you're a specific type of demon. Not really even a demon at all, not in comparison to a hell demon. You're from a different world altogether. You know evil, but you don't know it as a hell demon would." He pointed out, watching the woman huff and return to her room.
Remy looked between them all, waiting to be led through the hall way. She paused, her eyes hazing once more. 'It can feel me... It's making it's move.' Her eyes widened and a little, but she soon took off down the hallway, heading for Dracula's room, led only by pure instinct.
"I hate it when she does this!" Madison pointed out quickly, before running after her master, whom should could not really keep up with.

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Kate Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:01 pm

Matthew growled slightly, eyeing Madison as she made her rude comment. She didn't know who he was, or what he was, so it angered her that she would assume his role in the castle and all. He noted Rem's look, and he appreciated it, but it didn't help. "I'm no butler, lady." he stated, flashing his teeth as his hostility rose. His eyes flickered as he felt the need to pounce on her.
"Easy, bud." came the familiar voice. Jeremy came out from around the corner, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder. "No need to make a scene, even if you are torn up inside." He smiled some, though the look Mattie gave him didn't make him feel any better about the hybrid.
Matthew watched the devil hunter go, stalking after because of where she was headed. He was over protective of Dracula, and now he was pissed off, so he pulled his hood up to shadow his face. However, his odd eyes gave off a glow, and his frown was visible, so he looked rather wicked as he walked towards his father's room with the women.

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Chris Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:10 pm

Remy darted through the halls, easily letting herself into Dracula's room she pulled out her katana, driving it into the man's chest, causing him to cry out in pain, and fall limp on the bed.
Madison finally made it into the room, and her jaw dropped at the sight before her. "Oh... Oh my..."


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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Kate Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:15 pm

Matthew burts through the door, eyes widening in shock as he saw what she had done. He rushed to his side, kneeling on the floor. "D... Dad?" he asked, resting a hand on the fallen vampire. "I swear..." He turned his angry eyes to Remy, expression full of rage. "If I lose him... you die." His voice was emotionless, his face harsh. If what she'd done didn't help, he'd at least go down fighting.


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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Chris Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:25 pm

"Get back," Remy hissed from beneath her mask, taking her foot and promptly pulling out her two sai as she did so. Her eyes narrowed at the limp torso, that soon began to convulse with the katana still piercing it. Dracula's mouth opened, a black smog began to emerge, that soon took the form of a snarling, hideous monster, with a bleeding. She wasted no time in finishing it, leaping into the air and slashing it's throat mercilessly.
It squealed, fell to one side on the floor, struggled a bit, then eventually tuned to ash.
Dracula too, lay still. Silent. For what seemed like forever, until finally he began to cough and sputter, touching the ragged wound in his chest cavity.
Madison moved to Matthew, attempting to help him to his feet, "You really shouldn't get in close like that to a demon, you know, not when someone's trying to draw it out." She pointed out, frowning some.
Wolfe watched from the door way, giving his head a nod as he saw Remy pull the katana free, and wipe her bloodied tools of murder off on the bed, a far off look in her eyes.

(She said shessa phone back, so yeah. x_x)

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Kate Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:47 pm

Matthew pushed her away, flashing his teeth. "Get away from me." he growled, giving her a dark look before returning his attention to his father. He didn't give a damn what they said. He didn't know how to call out a demon, and it was kind of hard to stay back when someone drove a katana through your father's chest. "Dad... are you ok..?" he asked him, reaching a hand out to rest on his arm. His expression softened and he merely stared at the vampire, waiting.


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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Chris Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:23 pm

"Much better, despite the wounds," Dracula assured, forcing a weak smile. In fact, he already looked better. He didn't look ill, just weak now. He licked his lips softly. He reached out to gently touch Matthew's face, smiling kindly at the boy as he did so.
Remy watched them for a moment, before slowly diverting her eyes and heading for the door, she slid her katana back into it's sheath, and returned her sai to their respective holders.
"Same thing happens every time, I swear." Madison lightly complained, trailing after her boss as she did so.

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Kate Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:31 pm

"Good.." he whispered, nuzzling his father's hand softly. "I thought I'd lose you.. I.. I was scared, dad." Matthew exhaled, suddenly feeling as though he'd been hit by a train. He was so tired.. "Nn.." He'd been so worried that he'd forgotten about his own body. "Can I get you anything?"

(He would've said thank you to Rem, but since she hauled it.. xD

Do I need to post someone else that they run into or..? O: )

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Chris Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:39 pm

"No, I'm fine. The only thing I need now is rest..." Dracula closed his eyes, leaning back in the pillow as he did so. "Inwardly fighting a demon is a terrible feeling..." He whispered, reopening his eyes briefly to smile at his son.
Madison barreled off ahead of her master, staring expectantly at Wolfe, she held a hand out to him, as if waiting for something.
Wolfe reached into his jacket, pulling out a wad of money, he handed it over to the female, whom greedily pawed it. He rose a brow, "I do beleive that money belongs to your friend, there." He said, indicating to Remy, who seemed disinterested in it.
"Please. If it was up to her we'd be broke and living on the streets. I take care of her." Madison beamed.
"I highly doubt that..." Wolfe muttered under his breath.

(Well, what was she going to do, leave it in him? <<

I dun care.)

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Kate Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:50 pm

Mattie nodded softly, looking the male over. "I'm sorry we didn't get help sooner.." he said softly. "I didn't even know what was happening to you.." I'm so stupid... He exhaled softly, running a hand through his hair.

(? O_o I said Mattie would've thanked her, but she left the room. xD

Can Drake be all badass and talk to Rem about what's happening in hell..? Since he's been like.. gone, and is likely fully aware? o:
.. I kinda want him to do something that involves a lot of fighting.. because like.. Idk. >< *rambles*
He'll be outside, if that's ok?)

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Chris Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:54 pm

"Neither did I..." Dracula pointed out, lifting a weak, shaky hand to indicate to Wolfe as he did so, "But I have an old friend watching over me, it seems."
Wolfe gave a light smile, bowed his head, and watched the two with interested, though his mind remained troubled about the whole ordeal. He cast a glance to Madison, whom was fingering the money.
Remy moved through the hall, wiping away a spot of blood that had found it's way onto her face.

(Oh... I thought you meant hauled the katana out. XD

Sure, that's fine.)

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Kate Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:24 pm

Matthew looked to Wolfe with a smile, quietly thanking him before resting his head on his father's bed. Finally, he could rest knowing Dracula would be ok..

Meanwhile, it had begun to snow outside, and now he stuck out like a sore thumb amongst all of the soft white. He leaned back against the castle, a cigarette set firmly between his lips. Drake moved only to dust off his clothes before leaning back again. He'd been away for a while, and now that he was back, he could sense the presence of someone that could help him with the trouble that was going on in hell.
He pushed himself off of the wall, red scarf blowing in the wind. He was wearing an interesting outfit for this type of weather, mostly summer clothes, but his blood kept him warm, as did his drive to talk to the devil hunter alone. Nothing could bother him when he was this focused, not even being run through with a sword. His dark presence easily made its way towards the door, leaving a trail of melted snow and foot prints behind himself.
Finally, he made it to the front door, where he leaned against a pillar just as he'd done the wall, staring at the tattered object in his hand with narrowed eyes.

(XD Smoooooth.

:3 )

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Vampire Hunter School Thinger - Page 15 Empty Re: Vampire Hunter School Thinger

Post by Chris Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:30 pm

Remy quietly made her way through the large castle, seeming to know exactly what direction she was heading in. Rubbing the palms of her hands together some, she found herself in the main hall, where she sensed yet another dark presence. She furrowed her bows slightly, deciding that even though it felt dark, it didn't feel evil. She slipped out of the front door with ease, drawing her jacket in a little closer to herself as she did so, she looked to Drake.

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